HSBC redesign

Hello! 👋

I am currently working on HSBC redesign for the mobile app. Based on typical usage of the app (from my own experience with using HSBC mobile app and few simple rounds of interviewing other users of HSBC mobile app), I decided to implant some new behaviors and new functions, hoping to change a typical traditional finance process to enhance a more personal, quick and effective experience overall 🤓

These pages are before logging in. Quick access is based on the top reasons what users use the app for when users logged in. Just to mention, I added the alert message because I think it is a very good reminder and it's a more firm message when it's on the cover/landing page. (I had a friend who got scammed recently from a call claiming they are from HSBC.. not surprised)

In addition, I added an "instance peek balance" function to help users see their available balance really quickly. (and hopefully, it is discreetly and with ample privacy)

Would appreciate any constructive feedback and come show some ❤️

More visuals & reading 👁📖:

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