Save the Blue

-Go plastic-free!- I'm from Japan and it is sad to see many products in Japan are still using LOTS of plastics. My country is one of the worst consumption in the world and yet has not been reducing plastic.

Each product, such as a piece of cookie or a tiny piece of chocolate is individually wrapped with plastic. When I used to live there, there are many daily activities that are "normal" to use plastic for everything. From wrapping fruits, vegetables to a product already seeled with plastic (seriously why?), people consume so many plastics.

Now, I live in Canada and I see many people using reusable shopping bags to carry groceries and charge for plastic bags and paper bags. I never seen "Bike to Work" too! (great campaign btw!) I'm very impressed by how Canadians are mindful of the environment :) Hope Japan will break up their love affair with plastics!

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