Mobile App On-boarding Interaction - Empathy Map Tool - UXem

UX designers or researchers uses empathy maps to collect and understand the user behaviour like what a user is saying, thinking, doing or feeling about their needs.

The previous days I created a free to use empathy map tool named - UXem. Hope it helps

Kudos to Ayushi for all the UXem design assets and a seamless collaboration.

Keeping the same concept in mind I created a mobile app interaction for a user [designer] where he can quickly jot down the research content in different sections after a swift app on-boarding and quickly preview the projects .

You can also Download Studio File to explore more.

Used ProCreate for Illustrations, Sketch App for UI Design and InVision Studio for making pixels dance.

⚡ See Live Interaction.

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If you are new to empathy maps, you must see to - How do empathy maps help to make better products?
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