The Herakles Code

This is the story of why Herakles became a God.

:-: Herakles tragic flaw: uncontrollable strength, is represented by the three circles in the shape of his famous club. This comes from his mother's, Alcmene's, unusual demand to her husband about avenging her brothers, which was such a brave act that Zeus got interested in her. This is illustrated in how the male/yang force shaped like a diamond encompasses the female/yin force shaped like circles.

:-: To solve his flaw he changed his name from Alcides to Herakles (Glory of Hera) upon visiting the oracle of Dephi. This is illustrated in the inner color of the diamond shape that are indistinguishable on the left and distinguished on the right. Because he was able to distinguish his flaw.

:-: The test of his growth came upon the 12 labors that are represented by the three circles and the four sides of the diamond shape. The labors included feats vs his own nature, vs nature and vs a God. He used four actions to rise above all the labors: capture, slay, clean & deceit.

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