Tao Te Ching Codified

The Tao Te Ching is a reference book on ruling one’s reality from within oneself. This is why it is also called the Method of the Inner Kingdom.

Its time enduring insight is that to shape one’s reality at will one must attend the important while still small and thus malleable. It explains this throughout 238 lessons and 81 chapters. To remember its message is easy with the code that summarizes its teachings

:-: Tao means path, way and speech. It is illustrated by the yellow circle.
:-: Te means virtue. It is illustrated by a straight line
:-: Ching means flowing thread. It is illustrated by the intersection of Tao and Te.

Tu rule one's own reality by ruling one's inner kingdom means mastering one's own virtue which is achieved by doing what one says. That is the way of the Tao.

Read the full story at my blog: https://inboko.com/product/tao-te-ching-code/

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