Cut the blue wire silent bob!

So I posted this up on instagram (see words below) - Also to see the final piece checkout my instagram (

The new @jayandsilentbob reboot movie by @thatkevinsmith is coming out soon and whenever I get excited about something I need to draw something as an homage. . . 🎉🎉a dream of mine would be to work with Kevin smith on something in the future. Maybe if you guys mention home in the comments, he might notice?🎉🎉 . . Everyone of Kevin's movies holds a special place in my heart. No matter how bat shit insane they are they've always had so much heart into them. Because of that I will forever be a fan of his work.

A few years ago I got to meet #kevinsmith when he came too Ontario. He was everything you'd expect... kind, genuine and a nerd (the best part). Fingers crossed my opportunity to work with the dork knight himself comes up in the future and good luck on the new film! .

Jetpacks and Rollerskates
I'm Blake Stevenson. A UX/UI designer and illustrator.

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