Love What You Do

Originally posted on my Instagram:

"I’ve been sitting on this #goodtypetuesday post for almost a week now. The piece was done awhile ago but I didn’t know what to write. It’s hard to convey how much I love what I do without sounding like I’m bragging, but the truth is I really DO love what I do, and I can’t imagine doing anything else at this point. The fact that I get to be creative and make things every day for a living is still surreal to me sometimes. I also realize that being able to support my family by doing what I love is a huge privilege that not everyone is afforded, and I’m constantly grateful for the opportunities that I’ve been given that got me where I am today. Now, I just need to learn to practice that gratitude when it’s the 10th round of client revisions or I’m pulling an all-nighter to meet a deadline..."

Posted on Jul 12, 2019

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