Discipline is a Decision - Custom Lettering Canvas

Discipline is a DECISION⚡️🙌🏻
There’s a quote by Stephen Covey that goes ‘Only the disciplined are truly free. The undisciplined are slaves to moods, appetites and passions‘.
Me: that’s ironic > holy shit, what an enlightenment. My realisation 💡: you can have motivation and no discipline, when really we need both to work in sync. Having motivation is: knowing your big why and discipline is: following through and taking actionable steps towards materialising the ‘why’.
Referring back to the quote, I definitely fall victim to this. I know my big ‘why’ and what I need to do to get there BUT at the same time, having self-discipline to make sure I check my daily to-do-list boxes is soooooo difficult, esp. when mood swings or PMS hits *ugh*. I feel like I’m having an existential crisis when really, it’s just my lack of self-discipline.
So next time you catch yourself texting your pal ‘I’ve no motivation to do aNyThiNg *inserts crying emoji 😭*’, know that it’s NORMAL. Recalibrate. Goal-set. You’re on the right path, now you just gotta 👏🏻 walk 👏🏻 it 👏🏻.
This is a 1.4 m x 1.0 m custom canvas piece that was supposed to originally be a wall mural in the Client’s factory office! The rental lease’s up in 2 years so we opted for a movable piece of art instead. It now lives in the founder’s office and it reminds him of this message on the daily 🎉 P.S. this is my first canvas piece, and I love how it turned out, esp. the gold inline detail (sld probably use more of these in future) ❤️
P.S.S. How do you keep track of staying disciplined yourself? Share with me your tips! 💪🏻💥


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