Macy's | Bloomingdales Reference Design UI Kit (iOS)

With a background in design systems I was approached by Bloomingdales to design a new reference design and schematic template UI kit for medium fidelity wireframing. The goal of this project was to create a cohesive and consistent design system for the company's digital platforms, including their website and mobile app.

The first step in the design process was to conduct thorough research and analysis of the company's current design system, as well as industry best practices and trends. This included reviewing existing design elements such as typography, color palette, and layout, and identifying areas for improvement and optimization.

Based on this research, we developed a set of design principles that would guide the development of the UI kit. These principles included a focus on simplicity, clarity, and accessibility, as well as a commitment to responsive design and usability.

Next, we created a series of wireframes to explore different layout and navigation options for the UI kit. These wireframes were iteratively refined and tested with people to ensure that they were intuitive and easy to use.

Once the wireframes were finalized, we moved on to the visual design phase, where we developed a new color palette and typography system for the UI kit. We also created a library of custom icons and graphics to provide visual interest and support branding efforts.

Finally, we developed a series of templates that could be used to create medium fidelity wireframes for various digital platforms, including web and mobile. These templates were designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing designers to easily create consistent and cohesive designs while still allowing for creativity and innovation.

Overall, the Reference Design and Schematic Template UI Kit for medium fidelity wireframing was a successful project that helped to establish a strong and cohesive design system for Bloomingdales.

The templates and design elements developed in this project were used to create a wide range of digital experiences for the company, improving the people experience and supporting the company's branding efforts.

Posted on Apr 22, 2019

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