Recharger - Case Study

Recharger was launched in early 2017 as one of our in-house fun projects.

It was designed, developed and launched within a few days out of pure enthusiasm and with no other intention involved. But it turned out to be a total wowzer when it was downloaded by more than 5,000 people within the first day itself before increasing the user tally to a staggering 25K within the same week. It was one of the top trending apps in the Play Store as well.

As of today, people have used Recharger more than 4.2 million times to top up their mobile devices. And of course, we take a lot of pride in that. So here’s a sneak peak of the celebratory case study page we are currently working on for Recharger.

Download Recharger on the Play Store -

Posted on Sep 21, 2018

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