20K - A big milestone in a long journey

Twenty thousand is not just the number of times people hit the “follow” button on our page. Twenty thousand is not just the data that ranks our team on the platform.
Twenty thousand is not just the “social proof” that our clients look for.
Twenty thousand is not a lot of things, but it is definitely one thing. It is the trust and respect we have earned from the community and people who care about what we do.

From a one-man band to today’s fifteen members, Queble has been on the road of searching for its purpose. Besides the inevitable passion for design, we’ve been trying to identify what we want to pursue in this business. It is as much of a search for the company as for ourselves as artists. You know, there are two kinds of artists. One creates for their own satisfaction and the other creates for everybody else. Funny enough, we have been on both sides of the fence, but not at the same time. We have done things that only made us happy and also things that only made others happy. And we’ve come to realize that neither is what we want.

As we approach the twenty-thousand milestone, our journey continues and our search continues. But I think we are now much clearer about where to go for the road ahead of us. As artists, most sell what they can do, but we want to become the ones that sell what the world can do.

Jackson Wang
Sept. 15th, 2018

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