Finding Inspiration in daily life

Hello fellow Dribbblers,
I made this UI for a mobile app which I am currently designing. The idea of this came to me while I was looking for fresh perspectives in my office. I vividly remember, I had stayed back that night promising myself that I would not go home before I completed this UI. After juggling with various thoughts, I got up and went to the cafeteria to fetch myself a cup of steaming hot coffee. There was absolute silence in the cafeteria except for the groaning sound of the coffee machine. I looked away and saw the lamp lighting the entire area.
The emptiness appealed to me. It was not the kind of space which spurred negativity or abhorrence or darkness. It was the kind that strikes a chord with creativity, fosters indulgence, motivates new beginnings.

So I got back to my seat and put my thoughts into action.

I also wrote about FINDING INSPIRATION in daily life on the blog here-
Hope you guys enjoy reading it.

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