
For me, cooking means picking up the phone and placing an order.

I am cooking-challenged, I cannot cook anything, maybe eggs, but not a 100% success rate... and I hurt myself quite often in the kitchen, my girlfriend positions me away from the action when she cooks, because I manage to hurt myself in the process quite often.

I cannot cook because, actually, I don't know any recipes, I just know what the final product is, not its ingredients too.

What if there would be an app where you'd select the dish and the app lets you know what's needed. And what if the app would alert you when you're in a supermarket so you'd remember that you need those eggs for that dish you wanna learn how to prepare.

And then this concept happened - the Kitchen Scientist!

(And I had the chance to do more skeuomorphic stuff in Adobe XD, which is fun and nice and all the good stuff that make me all warm and fuzzy on the inside).

Posted on Jun 8, 2018

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