Life Drawing

I have an admiration for nude models that I'm sure I share with a lot of people. I cannot imagine being so liberated and so confident that I'm comfortable allowing a room of invested onlookers to contemplate my nakedity. It's a little strange in life-drawing sessions because body issues or embarrassment don't really exist and I've had the realisation since it's more ridiculous to care.

I spend the vast majority of my time in clothes and I have an aversion to mirrors because I've picked up somewhere to feel shame or guilt if ever I spend any time looking at myself and trying to fix it. I don't have any trouble with how I look but I'm very much coming at it with an 'it'll do' attitude and if every a rare compliment is flung my way I catch it with the grace of a cat in water.

I think nude models are an unattainable inspiration. It's unfathomable to me but they are brilliant.

Posted on May 23, 2018

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