Dribbble Pro?

Things are buzzing around here at Dribbble. We have a full-time employee (Coach Rich). We just launched an API. And, thankfully, we have a stream of revenue from advertising to support all of that.

But we have bigger plans: To grow the community while keeping it focused; improve features; and foster Dribbble as a platform.

One of the ways we think we can make that possible (and bring Coach Dan on full-time!) is to offer players the ability to upgrade their account to "Pro" for a small annual fee. This concept is likely familiar to those on Flickr, Vimeo, Ember, etc.

So what do you get by going Pro? Well that's where we'd like an assist. We have a slew of ideas, but since we've opened up our data, we thought we'd open the planning process as well. Tell us what you'd like to see. Here's a chance to build the prototype power player at

The league appreciates your help as always. Thanks for Dribbbling!

Posted on Aug 4, 2010
Stuff we’re working on at Dribbble HQ.

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