(R)EISEN = the German words "Reisen" (traveling) & "Eisen" (iron) combined as one.

The Erzberg, the cities of Eisenerz, Leoben or Mariazell – places full of history in the heart of Austria. Until today this area was mostly known for its steel production sites, now the focus slowly shifts towards tourism. »(R)EISEN« takes its readers on a journey around the complex topic of iron production and processing. But time doesn’t stand still – an emerging baker, an innovative beer brewer or a young Lederhosen-fabricant embellish the book with their unique stories and anecdotes.

Together with Eat Write Live travel book authors Vera Bachernegg & Katharina Maria Zimmermann, I created the editorial design for this lovely book.

Take a closer look! Full case study on Behance: https://www.behance.net/gallery/56367691/(R)EISEN

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