Be You & Be True

I think for those that are part of the LGTBQ community it can be quite the journey to coming out. It's probably one of the hardest and most rewarding personal journeys I have ever taken on. I think even when I was young I knew I was different but, didn't have the words to put to it. As I got older, I eventually found those words and hide from them for so long. Worried about what my family, friends, and community would think.

As time went on, and it wasn't until more recently in my life, I realized that your most beautiful self is your true self. Though it took some time to come out, I did it on my terms and in my own time. Once, I stopped hiding from the words I had running from since my youth the world opened up to me. I felt welcomed into an amazing and inspiring community.

For all those out there who have been through this struggle and to all those who still are finding their way, I love you.

When the time comes to be you, be true.

Posted on Oct 12, 2017
Sean Morse
Playing Here & There, Where I Can

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