Death In Breslau

This year I had the pleasure of attending classes where developers were to join forces with designers. Each group could select one of several topics and create a mobile app based on it, which then took part in the contest for the best application of the University year.

The subject of my team was an application for visiting the city of Wroclaw based on the book by Marek Krajewski entitled "Death in Breslau". The author in his story quite faithfully describes old places in pre-war Wroclaw, which main character visits.

According to city data there are hundreds of tourists that are willing to explore the city following Krajewski's trail every year. There were also attempts to make such application in the past years but it never come to realization, so we wanted to try our luck.

Unfortunately, we did not win the contest, but the participation in this venture was a great fun for me. Also I recommend the book - it's a good crime story. ;)

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