Hello Dribbble - at long last!

Hey everyone!

This is a credit long due - @Zack Onisko invited me over 2 months ago and I haven't had the time to create a work worthy of Dribbble and post it. Until now, that is.

The origin for this graphic was a chicken head (a stock photo fully redrawn), the snake body and griffon paw came naturally.
All I've used is my trusty Pen tool - outlines, blings, you name it. Took whole day to fully finish this.

This is my first work in such a realistic style - I may have effed up the shading and lighting (I was using an artificial 'sun', similar to one below the words) and the paths may be unrefined. If you can point to something that looks unnatural - please do, I'll take note for future creations!

If I'm allowed to - would like to insert a shameless plug.
I'm slowly giving up on freelance platforms as a source of work. Would enjoy something more stable and long-term.
If you have an interesting graphic design project we could work on - hit me up!

More by Vlad Fedorov

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