30k Iteration

Here's a bit of the iteration that brought us to this final solution that celebrates the wonderful 30k hearts who support Focus Lab on Instagram.

Our first idea was to project images onto a screen behind cut out "30k" on plexiglass. After working with that idea we decided it would take too long to create to our quality standard.

Attachment 1 & 2 _________
With the numbers already cut out and glued to plexi, we decided to experiement with timelapses in the office. The result wasn't celebratory enough.

Attachment 3 & 4 _________
Then we moved the setup to the park and wanted to write "Thanks" in spray paint. But the height variances between the plexi and wood blocks made it tough to get it right with just one take - despite practice.

Attachment 5 and Main Image - the final result _________
We weren't happy with what was created thus far. The solution needed to be easy and communicate celebration. Our final direction was white on white (who doesn't like that), with confetti. After using trying glitter and paper dots, we realized we needed thicker material - so we shreded a gold curtain we had in storage from Party City.

While the previous two attempts didn't make the cut, we gained insight and experience that will inform other projects. Win Win.

Thank you! _________
Most importantly - thank you! - for supporting Focus Lab on here and Instagram.

As always this was a team effort. Thank you @William Kesling
for your ideas and pushing concepts. Thank you @Chase Turberville
for trusting us and your lettering skills.


Looking for a creative agency? We would love to hear from you. Email us hello@focuslabllc.com

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Posted on May 12, 2017
Focus Lab + Odi
Global B2B brand experts.

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