A designer's dream

Hey guys!

We’re super happy to finally been able to share this HUGE project with you!

Banco Galicia gave us the opportunity to fully re-design their Online Banking App, and so we did!
After many months of work the App is finally out there, both Android and iOS.

Here you can see a transference flow. The original app had many steps and inputs, all in the same screen. What we did is to focus each step on one task only, and take everything that was complementary to a second level of reading.
The goal with this, of course, was to make the flow easy to use, focused only on the user main goal. Because users <3

It’s been an amazing work with the team @Juani Ruiz Echazú @Matias Gallipoli and our super PM @ivanpojo!

We’ve also written an article sharing more about this experience, go check it out! (It’s in Spanish for now)

Check the attachment for more details, and stay tune because there's lots of stuff coming soon!


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