
Hello 👋🏻

What is Dribbble to me? Since I joined this fantastic community a few years ago (those were the days) I did not even know it will have such a positive influence on me. There is no simple word that would answer the question of what Dribbble means to me as the individual and designer. This is a place for new opportunities, for learning, for exploring, for meeting, for progress and advancement of skills, for feedback, for further pushing the boundaries and running away from the comfort zone in front of the global design community. A place where find their place experienced senior designers and young beginners who are just entering the profession and seek their place under the sun. Sometimes I have a feeling that is Dribbble like a candy store with all the colors and shapes where creative people from around the world share their work and thus inspire other members to become the best version of yourself. Exactly that word - inspiration, somehow sums up all these characteristics that this creative platform has to offer. Endless inspiration.

So I made this custom lettering piece. Why lettering? For this very reason because I love this part of the type design and I want to improve my skills in lettering. Dribbble is a great place to meet with lettering and there is a bunch of people who are the real masters in this field of design.

Fun fact - this is my first Sticker Mule playoff and I hope it will be successful. Thanks @Dribbble for incredible positive change in design world and thanks @Sticker Mule for another cool playoff.

More by Jovan Petrić

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