Flopping Triangles Revisited - RAINBOW!

Getting right up to the end of the month, I was starting to panic a little bit because I still hadn't created anything to participate in the GIF Artists Collective's theme of "Rainbow" for the month of July. "Rainbow? THAT'S MY FAVORITE COLOR! I can do that easy!" Then, all month, my both my design any my inspiration accounts are bankrupt. Shit, what will I do? I can't NOT participate when the theme is RAINBOW!

So I sat down in front of my favorite grid based sketchbook, and forced myself to fill a whole page with ideas. Turns out, a lot of my previous designs keep coming back to me, and they won't let go of my focus - even in a new context. Fine, I can work with that. One idea, two, three, four, fifteen - and that's when I remembered a simple little design from a few years ago named "Flopping Triangles". This idea happened to have been the last one that came to me while I was filling the page with ideas - and I'm glad that it did. Turns out, the motion of triangles flopping around in a circle is still interesting to me, and there was a lot I could work with there. There may even be a bit more use for this idea in the future.

Original "Flopping Triangles" design:


It seems that I'm also getting into the habit of posting galleries of my creative process when I create new works. Here's a link to the "Creative Process" gallery where you can see all of the iterations I worked through to get to this point. Let me know what you think!


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