Moni Website Explorations

Let's Start What We Have Come Into the Room To Do


This is the second phase ( third actually ) of my work at Moni Africa.

Research and Curating a Moodboard is always my favourite part about working on any design. And I really enjoyed getting all the pieces together for this one. Research took about 4 weeks and the actual design took about 2 weeks. Some of the elements were centered around African elements and Currency/Notes design. E.g Guilloche Rosette, halftone textures. Finding the sweet spot between all these elements was the highlight for me. The stickers Timi worked on once again were too good.

For the motion, I wanted a lot of movement, because movement(dancing) is a major part of culture as africans hence when I used the spring motion type a lot to give it a lil bit of bounce.

Hopefully, I could write a full case study about this someday. Enjoyed working on this one also and can't wait for it to go live 🙂.

Product & Interaction Designer

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