A listing page on a real estate web app

A listing page on a real estate web app is a dedicated section where users can browse through various property listings. This page typically displays a collection of properties available for sale or rent, along with essential information about each property. Key features of a real estate listing page include:

  1. Property Images: Thumbnails or photos of each property.

  2. Basic Info: Price, location, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and square footage.

  3. Filters and Search: Tools to refine searches by price, type, location, etc.

  4. Sorting Options: Ability to sort by price, newest listings, or location.

  5. Map View: Interactive map showing property locations.

  6. Property Highlights: Brief descriptions of key features.

  7. Contact Information: Easy access to agent or owner details.

  8. Favorites/Save: Option to bookmark listings.

  9. Navigation: Pagination or infinite scroll for browsing.

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Posted on May 15, 2024

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