Asus ROG Landing Page

Designing a new landing page for the ASUS ROG brand that incorporates both minimalism and glass morphism creates an opportunity to blend sleek aesthetics with modern design trends, all while enhancing user experience and brand identity.

Conceptualization: Begin by conceptualizing the essence of the ASUS ROG brand - it's synonymous with cutting-edge technology, innovation, and high-performance gaming. With this in mind, the landing page should reflect these qualities while maintaining a minimalist approach to ensure clarity and focus.

Layout and Structure: The layout should prioritize simplicity and clarity. Utilize a grid-based structure to maintain alignment and organization. The landing page should be divided into distinct sections, each serving a specific purpose such as showcasing products, highlighting features, and providing calls to action.

Color Palette: Select a color palette that resonates with the ASUS ROG brand identity while complementing the glass morphism trend. Opt for bold and vibrant colors synonymous with gaming, such as deep reds, electric blues, and metallic accents. Incorporate translucent glass-like elements to add depth and dimension to the design.

Typography: Choose clean and modern fonts that are easy to read and evoke a sense of sophistication. Consider using a combination of sans-serif and serif fonts to create visual hierarchy and emphasis where needed. Ensure adequate contrast between text and background to enhance readability.

Graphics and Visual Elements: Integrate high-quality images and graphics that highlight the sleek design and advanced features of ASUS ROG products. Utilize glass morphic elements such as frosted glass overlays, blurred backgrounds, and translucent buttons to create a sense of depth and interactivity. Implement subtle animations or transitions to add visual interest without overwhelming the user.

Navigation and User Experience: Prioritize user experience by ensuring intuitive navigation and seamless interaction. Implement a clear and concise menu structure that enables users to easily navigate to different sections of the landing page. Incorporate interactive elements such as hover effects and tooltips to provide additional information and enhance engagement.

Responsive Design: Optimize the landing page for responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes. Ensure that the design adapts seamlessly to different resolutions, maintaining consistency and functionality regardless of the user's device.

Testing and Iteration: Conduct thorough testing across different browsers and devices to identify any potential issues or inconsistencies. Gather feedback from users and stakeholders to iterate and refine the design, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of the target audience.

By combining minimalist design principles with glass morphism elements, the new landing page for ASUS ROG will not only captivate users with its visual appeal but also provide an immersive and intuitive browsing experience reflective of the brand's commitment to innovation and excellence in gaming technology.

Thanks to the Asus ROG Team for making this opportunity possible

Design Team: Renata Pôrto, Ariyan Rezvani, Jia-Fang Hsu, Min Dai

Product Manager: Henrique J. M. C. Da Costa


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