The Scientrix UI/UX Redesign

Elevating User Experience

We transformed the user experience of Scientrix, a leading strategy execution software, with a complete UI/UX overhaul. Our focus was on intuitive navigation, a clean aesthetic, and a seamless experience that mirrors the sophistication of their software

UI/UX Highlights:

  • Navigation & Flow: Share wireframes or mockups demonstrating how you simplified navigation and streamlined key user flows.

  • Visual Design: Highlight redesigned buttons, icons, color palettes, and other elements that enhance the look and feel of the interface.

  • Dashboard Transformation: Showcase the redesigned dashboard, emphasising data visualisations or insights that were made more prominent and intuitive for users.

  • Responsive Design: Include screenshots or short videos demonstrating how the redesign adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes.


  • Improved User Satisfaction: Share any relevant user feedback or metrics demonstrating how the redesigned UX positively impacted users.

  • Increased Engagement: Highlight metrics on time-on-site, completion rates, or other indicators of improved user interaction.

  • Brand Alignment: Explain how the redesigned UI further solidified Scientrix's position as a thought leader with sophisticated, user-focused technology.

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Posted on Mar 31, 2024

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