Male fertility solutions website revamp

Revamping and Developing the MOJO Male Fertility Solution

Client: MOJO (UK)

Challenge: MOJO offers a comprehensive solutions for men's fertility. However, their existing design wasn't effectively communicating the product's value proposition or user experience.

Our services:

We undertook a complete design revamp and development of the MOJO male fertility solution. This included:

  • UI Redesign: We crafted a user-friendly and informative UI that clearly showcases MOJO's features and benefits.

  • UX Optimization: We streamlined the user journey, making it easy for users to navigate the platform and access the tools they need.

  • Visual Refresh: We crafted a modern and engaging visual identity that resonates with MOJO's target audience.

  • Development: We developed the site on Shopify.


  • Enhanced user experience for a smoother and more intuitive interaction.

  • Clearer communication of MOJO's value proposition to potential users.

  • Increased brand recognition and user trust through a modern visual design.

This project is a great example of how a well-designed user experience can empower users and make healthcare solutions more accessible.

Checkout the website here

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