Product Design - Ticketsphere's Mobile and Web Dapps

🌟 Ticketsphere is a user-friendly Dapp that simplifies attending events and managing tickets. It works in conjunction with the Ticketsphere web app, so both products share the same research and strategy stages.

🎟️ It's designed for everyone, even those new to blockchain, offering an easy way to buy tickets, view events, and collect NFTs. With special features for both event-goers and organizers, it makes the whole process smooth and secure, changing the way we experience events. ✨✨

Our users are people who love simplicity and often feel overwhelmed by new tech. They want a quick and easy way to manage event tickets without fearing they'll lose them due to technical issues.

By focusing on these needs, Ticketsphere ensures a hassle-free experience, making event management a breeze for everyone.

Ticketsphere offers three standout features: hassle-free sign-in, the ability to browse events without signing up, and quick QR code scanning for NFTs.

The sign-in process is automatic, using secure face recognition, so users don't need to remember passwords or understand blockchain.

This means more time enjoying events and less time worrying about tech.

Benchmarking helped us see where other ticketing solutions fall short, and where they excel, allowing us to create a Dapp that's not just different, but better.

It guided us to focus on simplicity, security, and convenience, setting a new standard in event ticketing.

Our MVP focuses on delivering the most value with the least complexity, addressing the main issues our users face.

By prioritizing automatic sign-in, easy event browsing, and quick NFT access, we've created a solid foundation that solves real problems.

Visit the Mobile and Web Dapps' projects, to see these insights in action.

Got an idea? Let's talk here on Dribbble or drop an email at Let's create something extraordinary together! ✨✨

Camila De La Serna
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