Decades of Mastery

Decades of Mastery

Decades of Mastery is a project featuring four portrait drawings of influential cinema artists: Meryl Streep, Dustin Hoffman, Sophia Loren, and Sean Bean. 

Each portrait represents a different decade in cinema history, spanning from the 1970s to the 2000s.

Drawings: Nikolai Jónasson

Paper size: A3 (40 x 30 cm / 16 x 12 inches)

Price per drawing: €250 / $270, contact for pricing and shipping

Price for entire collection: €800 / $860, contact for pricing and shipping

Employing various drawing techniques, I aimed to capture the essence of each artist's on-screen persona, showcasing their individuality and mastery of acting. Through minimalist compositions, subtle visual cues hint at the era each character represents.

Sean Bean

Graphite pencils

Dec 2019 - Feb 2020

Meryl Streep

Pastel pencils

Jul - Aug 2019

Dustin Hoffman

Ballpoint pen

Jun - Jul 2019

Sophia Loren

Markers and graphite pencils

May - Jun 2019

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