Chatbot Avatars

Chatbot Avatars

Chatbot Avatars

The AI engineers developed five chatbots. Each bot needed a persona and a custom avatar so that admin users could easily select the type of intelligent chatbot they wanted to use in their application. I designed these five avatars for the chatbots. Each AI chat bot had its own avatar.

Final Designs

Above are the final chatbot avatars designed for the program. Users could hover on them and select their preferred intelligent chatbot for their application.

  1. Routing Bot

  2. FAQ Bot

  3. API Bot

  4. Approval Bot

  5. Info Capture Bot

Chatbot Avatars

The AI engineers developed five chatbots. Each bot needed a persona and a custom avatar so that admin users could easily select the type of intelligent chatbot they want to use in their application. I designed these five avatars for the chatbots. Each AI chat bot had it's own avatar:

  1. Routing Bot

  2. FAQ Bot

  3. API Bot

  4. Approval Bot

  5. Info Capture Bot

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