Jessly Logo Design

About Jessly Company

Industry type Industry: Fitness and Healthy Nutrition

Jessly is a company focused on health and wellness. This company's vision is to help individuals achieve a healthy lifestyle through a combination of physical activity at the gym and a balanced diet. Jessly understands that health is not just about exercise, but also involves good nutrition.

Service Description:

- Gym Fitness: Jessly provides complete gym facilities with modern equipment and training programs tailored to the needs of each member.

- Diet Food Shop: Jessly has a diet food shop that provides healthy and nutritious food according to the needs of consumers who exercise intensely or follow a weight loss program.

Target Audience:

Jessly targets individuals who are concerned about health and fitness, including those seeking a holistic fitness experience that includes both exercise and nutrition.

About Us

Cidcud graphics is a graphic designer who loves creating unique and memorable logos to help represent your business identity. I work on every design from the heart, combining creativity and technical expertise to ensure that your logo doesn't just steal the show, but also perfectly tell your brand story.

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Thank you. cidcud graphics.

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