Logo Design Kotasawa

About the company

Company Name: Kotasawa

Vision and mission:

Vision: "To be a provider of innovative and affordable housing solutions sustainable."

Mission: "Building a residential environment that is comfortable, safe and environmentally friendly."

Industry Description:

- Kotasawa is engaged in the housing and apartment industry which offers modern, functional and aesthetic concepts.

- Emphasizes environmentally friendly and sustainable development.

- Has a reputation as a developer who cares about customer needs and wants.

Target Audience:

- Middle to upper class

- Young Professional

- Young couple and family

Message you want to convey through your logo:

- Sustainable

– Modernity

– Quality

- Caring for customers

About Us

Cidcud graphics is a graphic designer who loves creating unique and memorable logos to help represent your business identity. I work on every design from the heart, combining creativity and technical expertise to ensure that your logo doesn't just steal the show, but also perfectly tell your brand story.

Contact me to get your graphic design project started!

Let's realize your brand vision together.

Please feel free to contact me

Thank you. cidcud graphics.

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