Tune / Branding

Tune's Test Kit assesses multiple health markers through saliva, providing valuable insights into depression, anxiety, sleep quality, immune system function, and longevity. By providing us with this valuable data, Tune empowers us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, and our minds, and to cultivate inner balance and happiness.

Combining this scientific data with wellness quizzes, Tune provides a more accurate and objective measure of our well-being. The program includes weekly health professional check-ins and tailored wellness recommendations.

Tune's program is particularly helpful for IVF patients, providing data-based support for therapists and patients, and for companies striving to foster healthy work environments.

Harper Care's team engaged us to develop the branding for this new product, starting with the naming. "Tune" was selected for its musical connotations of harmony and balance.

Taking inspiration from the product's name, Tune's shapes are derived from music notation, a vast experimental field for composers and music theorists. These shapes, combined with the Color Plan's Park Green hue chosen for the brand, communicate a sense of balance, calm, liveliness, and organic motion, aligning with Tune's objective to promote well-being in our daily lives.

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