
In all my travels, Paris has always remained my favorite place on this beautiful world. It connected with my soul so deeply that it has been more than 10 years since I visited Paris, and not a day has gone by over that time that I had not thought of that amazing city.

We are all so heart broken over the news from Paris. And no matter how angry some of us may be, no matter how much this senseless destruction may fill us with a desire for wrath of god destruction in return... we as designers do not Destroy. We Create.

It's how we communicate, share, feel, connect with the souls of others. So through the haze of anger, tears and heartache I could only do the one thing I CAN do... Create.

I attached the full shot of the sketchbook page to show the process, taken just before I inked this final version.

Posted on Nov 14, 2015
Michael Campbell
Illustration / Design / Lettering & More.

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