Generative AI Tool Chat Screen and Image Stack Cards Exploration

Generative AI Tool Chat Screen and Image Stack Cards Exploration

Hi there 🏀🧙🏻‍♂️✨,

Im working on a project that is will change the AI experience entirely!

Got a brilliant chat history idea¹ it will close your previous messages so you can focus on the current and close-up details on responses², powering the generative AI magic with a nice touch of a button for uploading assets³ to getting alternative images, a PDF summary or any other attachments. The AI assistant offers you an image stack with many alternatives⁴. Moreover, you can use it directly in the editor.

Generative AI Chat History UI/UX Design
AI Prompt Input and Add Files Button Design
Floating Image Stack UX Design with Use in Editor Button

More by Yasir Ekinci

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