Vertex Instagram Post Design

This project comes from Vertex Studio. The owner wants to start a social media management agency, where they provide several services such as branding, graphic design, media printing, video explainer, web & app development, and of course... social media management. They ask for joint cooperation with me, to provide Instagram post for the first weeks, so they can focus on their client project, while maintaining their social media profile.

Based on my experience, they entrust their Instagram on my design. My jobs are generating idea for the content, and also creating the visual design for it. I propose several ideas to make their profile livelier, such as make several categories for their post to make it more varied, posting meme to cheer up their profile image, add CTA page on every post, creating design and branding knowledge post to show their capabilities, and also create short post such quotes, tips & trick, and fun facts. These variations of content making their profile livelier rather than just posting their services.

To make the content, first I determine what should I make today. Should I make 10 pages knowledge page, or just simple fun fact, or maybe, I'll make some cat meme that already trend at the moment. It is determined also by the last post. I'll tend create simple or meme post after some long-complex-knowledge contents to ice break the audience mood.

Then I'll do some research for the content based on the trend. Is there some hot news I can use, or maybe some design trend that already hype. I often look for their competitor and try to analyze their profile and gathering some idea from that.

Then, I propose it to the owner. If they approve it, then I'll continue to design it. Come for the final design approval, and if the accept it, then the posts are ready to launched on the instagram

Instagram Post

Like what I said, I create various type of contents. Sometimes, I create a complex content that needs more effort, either for generating idea, does more research, lot of pages, or more elaborate copywriting.

But I also create various simple post, such as a trivia about the agency or client, some quotes from experts, fun facts about design and branding, and of course a promotion for the services.

But some memes also take place in the audience heart. Actually, making good memes isn't that simple. Act like a stand-up comic, I have to read the trends to make the jokes more attach to the people. For that, I have to renew the trend in society to know what is happening now.

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