Comfort Zone (Beyond the familiar)

It’s easier to adopt self-destructive habits.

Most of the us don’t know how to manage ourselves.

Most of us don’t make an effort to escape from the numb state of mind.

Most of us trick our minds into thinking that we’re making slow progress.

But in reality, inaction leads to slow death.

Slow and delayed action leads to permanent numb state.

At the end, everything comes down to a reward mentality.

We need to stop looking for rewards from external factors.

We need to deep dive into the unknown and face failure to truly gain the reward from internal factors.

We have to push into the unknown to discover the skill / mindset / free thinking zone. That is the only way to get out of the rut.

You have pushed yourself into a sphere of life where the routine itself is very comfortable, and the cycle is full of repeatable patterns.

If you are good with recognizing patterns, you will also know about the poor quality of life that you created.

You did this, no one else.

Stop blaming the surroundings; start taking action.

More by Hemanth Kumar H G

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