Discovery | Merchant

Documenting the end-to-end process for Merchants via our banking platform to pinpoint critical areas for improvement and facilitate detailed design enhancements.

The above excerpt provides a glimpse into the process documentation collaboratively created with frontline teams to comprehend the end-to-end tasks involved in onboarding a new merchant.

Key Findings:

  1. Extensive human intervention in pricing calculations, AML verification, and risk assessment results in errors and prolonged onboarding time.

  2. Identified gaps in the current process, such as insufficient follow-ups and manual verification, may lead to decreased conversion rates and extended onboarding time.

  3. Additional gaps, such as manual price calculation and reliance on telephonic processes only, can result in process inaccuracies and subpar customer experiences.

This analysis has enabled us to pinpoint areas for improvement and assign specific teams to address these issues.

Current State Service Blueprint

Current State Experience Map


Offer the business an Interim Experience Map aimed at enhancing small victories attainable without significant investment. Additionally, present a Future Experience Map outlining substantial investments required to enhance systems and tools for bankers and customers, ultimately striving for an optimal market experience.

Vanessa Bodo
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