Book App for Kids

Hey Dribbble community!

đź‘‹We're super excited to introduce our new thing called Booka. It's like a special app made just for kids like you who love stories, pictures, and cool sounds.

What's the Big Idea?

We wanted to make reading awesome for kids, even if reading isn't your favorite thing. So, we made Booka – a super fun app with lots of stories that have amazing pictures and cool sounds.

What's Inside Booka?

Awesome Pictures: Imagine reading a book and the pictures are like a party for your eyes. That's how it feels with Booka.

Cool Sounds: And guess what? You don't just read the words, you also hear them. It's like someone telling you the story while you look at the pictures.

Things to Do: Sometimes you can touch the pictures and they do stuff. It's like a game inside the story.

Tell Us What You Think

We worked really hard to make Booka awesome, so we really want to know what you think. Do you like it? 

If you want more, you can check out full case study on Behance.

Also, we have posted a few pretty shots yet:

Shot 1 - Passport Photo App: Get Perfect Photo for Your ID in Minutes

Shot 2 - Earn Rewards for Shopping

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