Designers in Space: NASA Space Apps Challenge Brochure Design

Page one describes our cosmos destinations and gives a glimpse of our packages.

Brochure design for travelling to space with a travel agent

What an exhilarating weekend it was! πŸ˜„ I went on an interstellar journey during World Space Week while taking part in my very first #NASASpaceAppsChallenge. Our team, known as "Designers in Space," joined forces to push the boundaries of innovation.

Curious about our cosmic mission and the thrilling challenge details? Dive into the full article here! 🌌

πŸ“Ί Exciting news! We even made it to TV screens! You might have caught a glimpse of us if you tuned in to RTL (Croatia) for the 19:00 news.

Huge thanks to the event organizers, and we're wholeheartedly cheering on the victors of the next round! πŸ† We are very proud of you! πŸ’“

Stay tuned with for more cosmic updates on this space challenge design progress.🌟

#SpaceExploration #DesignInnovation #NASAChallenge


I am also available for new projects 😊 Send me a message at

P.S. Did you know I have a podcast too? πŸ€“Check it out and let me know what you think!


Show me some πŸ’•! Press "L". Want to see more projects? Visit my profile or, and remember to follow for more!

Brochure design for space travel including packages

Page two describes in detail what the packages provide for the customer, hinting about the quiz we provide on our website and the opportunity to win a bonus ticket. An important topic on the brochure page is the sustainability aspect of travelling to Mars, Venus and the Moon and mentioning special equipment and our sustainable bracelets.

What's next?

I will design a complementing landing page and mobile app prototype for the quiz. πŸ€“

More by Nikoleta Angelova

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