Location Modal UI (B2B)

Improved UI for Job Location.

Helping users to find staff booking availability against a job location to improve for scheduling capabilities.

This was part of a larger product change initiative. Where we evolved the users ability to access location details within the job details panel through a hyperlinked address that opened up a map in a modal window. What we were doing here is rearranging an existing legacy feature to make all the operational data more accessible; job location included.

The initial problem was that legacy job location details shown on a map took up high value-high impact space within the interface which we needed to re-purpose. So that the user could view other job details; notes, documents, quotes, invoices, messages and activity logs without having to tunnel deeper within the job details to see the information.

Utilising a new design system, we built a universal map component in the form of a modal window and reinforced a behaviour for directing users to view additional information in modal windows without forcing them to unnecessarily leave the main workspace area or whatever task they were doing. See ux case study here

See the full case studies here

Creating change that adds value

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Patrick W Meehan
Creating change & impact which adds value and drives growth

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