
Dish stands as a testament to the innovative vision ignited by Kelly Shield. This ambitious project evolved into a collaborative cookbook, a veritable chronicle of the remarkable dedication, prowess, and benevolence exhibited by the hospitality community in their unwavering commitment to a noble fundraising objective: supporting the Starlight Children’s Foundation, a charitable cause dedicated to alleviating the plight of children affected by serious illness.

This exemplary compilation serves as a canvas that vividly portrays the heartwarming stories, culinary masterpieces, and enduring commitment of 44 of Australia's preeminent culinary establishments, encompassing a diverse array of chefs, restaurants, and cafes. Each of these esteemed contributors generously offered two cherished recipes from their repertoire, alongside a poignant narrative shared by the head chef, recounting their most cherished childhood culinary memories.

The impact of this philanthropic initiative transcended local boundaries and gained national recognition, garnering extensive coverage in multiple prominent national and state news outlets as well as print & digital media. This profound resonance underscored the significance of Dish in individuals across the nation, who were moved by the culinary community's dedication to the Starlight Children’s Foundation's cause.


Founder. Project Manager. Volunteer Co-Ordinator.

Creative Director/Designer. Art Director.


Print. Digital. Social Media. Packaging. OOH.


Custom Wordpress. Digital Printing. Speciality Inks. Video.


GT Pressura. Gt Sectra. 44 Handwritten Types.


Kelly Shield (Founder, Creative Director/Designer,

Project Manager, Volunteer Co-Ordinator, Art Director).

Digitalpress (Printer). Tonic PR (Public Relations).

KW Doggett (Paper Supplier). Mark Endley (Website Developer).

Santiago Kojic (Copywriter).

Brag List:

‘18 Australian Book Design Awards (Long & Shortlisted).

‘18 NSW Print Awards (Silver - Digital Book).

‘18 NSW Print Awards (Bronze - Limited Edition).

‘17 AGDA Awards (Finalist).

‘17 Communication Arts Typography (Finalist - Book).

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