Ongoing Circle ride

Circle Ride is a real time carpooling service app that allows users share a ride to a common destination. Over concerns of climate change, the need for a comfortable and less expensive means of commuting, Circle ride is designed to connect car owners and fellow commuters together to share a ride towards a common destination together.

For passengers, the process begins by signing up on the app. Once registered, they simply click on the "Find a Ride" button. This prompts them to input their pick-up point and destination.

The app then swiftly locates rides heading in a similar direction, conveniently close to their pick-up location. Passengers can review these options and select the one that best suits their needs.

Upon making their selection, passengers send a ride request to the driver. The driver promptly reviews and accepts the request.

At the confirmed pick-up junction, payment is seamlessly processed. This transaction, pre-authorized during booking, is then transferred to the driver. From this point, both passenger and driver embark on a comfortable and mutually beneficial journey towards the chosen destination.

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