Decimal, binary, hexadecimal system and its conversion 🤨

We know 8 takes a lot of important parts in the tech world. Bits and Bytes (8 Bites are 1 Byte), Binary System and Hexadecimal System. Most screen resolutions are divisible by 8. That's why it works great for UI, too. Let's take a closer look!

Binary system

In the binary system this is actually the same, only here there are only 2 digits (0 and 1)

The following applies here: the individual digits are multiples of powers of 2

Convert decimal to binary

Example 180 is divided by 2 until the result is 0, the remainder (can only be 0 or 1) results in the binary digits right to left.‍

Convert decimal to hexadecimal

The conversion from decimal to hexadecimal (16 digits 0–9 and A-F) goes analog: It is always divided by 16 until the result is 0 the remainder then results in the Hex digits from right to left.

Programmers often use hex digits as they are shorter than binary digits

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Posted on Sep 14, 2023

More by Alexandra Fuchs

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