"Vekovia" is a women's shoe store of large sizes

"Vekovia" is a women's shoe store of large sizes. The store is located in a small town. In it, shoes of large sizes are rare. It has become more difficult to find women's shoes larger than size 42 on store shelves. But even with the size, the visual style and design look outdated and do not attract attention.

Logo idea:

The image of the logo icon is simple, with a direct association - a Russian, young girl with pigtails hugging big boots. A lot of logo options were offered, but this one was chosen because the image is understandable to a wide audience, simple, not overloaded with details and there are no hidden meanings. There is no need to think about what exactly the store offers, everything is clear and understandable.

The symmetrical composition is made in a flat style. It is minimalistic, displays "love at first sight". The idea is to demonstrate that the character has found what he has been looking for for a long time, and you will find it too!

The font part of the logo has smooth, "streamlined" wide lines. Soft edges without sharp corners show the friendliness and openness of the brand. The iridescent forms make it clear that the brand adapts to specific requests, disposes to itself.

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