Kota, work benefits for modern companies.

Kota centralises and automates employees’ benefits in one place. Enrolling, managing, and scaling is made easy, without the usual daunting and cumbersome administrative processes.

We face every website as if it is a product. Our mental model is the same, the methodology is the same, and our concerns are the same.

But what does this mean exactly? It means that similar to a product, we create every website to be scalable, modular and, obviously, goal-oriented. Not a one-of, not a business card, not an art piece, but rather a pragmatic data-minded solution.

Our approach to Kota was no different. Why do you need a new website? We asked.

They told us they were struggling to build confidence and engage with their audience, thus having issues getting a compelling message across. The website doesn't convey the quality of the product, and they don't have a big enough team to take this project on. And, you guessed it, increase the number of Demos booked.

Here's how we got there.

We know who Kota is talking to.

Those who are haunted by the tediousness of managing insurance here, retirement plans there, and something else elsewhere are the ones the website targets. And the following message had to come across clear as day: Kota will unquestionably make your life easier with minimal effort.

At Significa, we can relate to Kota's target audience. We are it ourselves too. And if we were told we could manage all the perks we offer in one place, save time and money, give our employees full ownership of their benefits, and therefore have the ability to increase our perk pool, we would be thrilled.

We know exactly who Kota is talking to.

Mitigating the pain points of change.

We know how averse to change most people are. We also know that migrating from all these separate services, at once, into a new product can be hard to wrap our heads around, especially into a new product the users don't trust just yet.

Kota's message had to be surgically precise:

  • Quick to onboard employees.

  • Cheaper.

  • Anybody can use it.

  • Works for all companies.

Yeah, that's it.

No, obviously, it isn't just it! It had to be beautiful. A good-looking website plays a detrimental role in creating trust and standing out from the competition.

We created a website that conveys flexibility, freedom and fluidity.

Fluid shapes reveal videos of human experiences. The website is alive, it is dynamic and it transpires emotion, reacting to the user.

We created a captivating journey, setting users to experience and explore elements, such as cards and testimonials which expand and compress in response to their interactions.

Speaking of testimonials, we know how great these are at building trust. We also know its authenticity can be questioned sometimes. So to please the Greeks and Trojans, we did something new, something we'd never seen before:

In hopes its content would appeal to the interested ones and the shape would please the sceptic folks.

If nothing else had worked so far to convince the users, then Kota's pricing would. Stating their product is cheaper wouldn't just cut it for us. We had to effectively show it. For this, we wanted to showcase adjustable results so that users could immediately identify with and compare the abysmal differences of various products within the context of their own needs in real-time.

Simply insert the employees count and the amount HR people enrolled, and BAAM: there you have it, a comparison between Kota and the rest.

All modular. Everywhere.

Everything is modular: components, sections, forms, the whole thing. It starts with Design:

And carries forward in Storyblok, where pages can be assembled seamlessly.


To wrap this up, designing and developing Kota gave us a Site of the Day and Developer Award on Awwwards.

That's all for this one. Thank you for scrolling all the way down here 🙏

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The Design team:

  • Inês Vieira

  • Manuel Melo

  • Teresa Araújo

Our website @ Significa

More of our stuff too: Behance | Twitter | Instagram

Think. Design. Develop. Launch. Repeat.

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