Calendula - Appointment Management app | Landing web page

In this UX design project, I had the privilege of creating an impactful web landing page for the innovative mobile application ‘Calendula.’ This application redefines the way client appointments are managed, offering a host of features that enhance efficiency, convenience, and user experience.

Understanding the Challenge:

The primary objective was to craft a web landing page that not only visually captivates but also effectively communicates the app’s core value and functionality to potential users. The challenge was to seamlessly integrate a plethora of features into a coherent design, ensuring a user-centric experience from the moment visitors arrive on the page.

Design Process:

1. Research and Analysis:

To kick off the project, I conducted in-depth research to comprehend the target audience, their pain points, and preferences. This insight guided the design decisions and ensured a design that resonated with users.

2. Information Architecture:

I meticulously organized the page’s structure, ensuring a logical flow that guides users through the app’s offerings – from understanding the concept to taking action.

3. Wireframing and Prototyping:

I started by sketching rough wireframes, allowing me to experiment with layout and content placement. Following feedback and iterations, I transformed these wireframes into interactive prototypes using industry-standard tools.

4. Visual Design:

With a solid foundation in place, I moved on to crafting the visual design. The color palette was carefully chosen to reflect professionalism and reliability, while typography ensured readability and elegance.

5. Microinteractions:

To enhance the user experience, I incorporated subtle microinteractions, like smooth scroll animations and hover effects, creating an engaging and intuitive browsing experience.

6. Responsive Design:

Given the prominence of mobile users, I implemented responsive design principles to ensure a seamless experience across various devices.

Key Sections:

1. About Us:

A compelling narrative highlighting Calendula’s mission to revolutionize appointment management, establishing an emotional connection with users.

2. Application Features:

An engaging showcase of features, presented through a blend of icons, visuals, and concise text, highlighting the app’s versatility.

3. How It Works:

A step-by-step guide, utilizing intuitive visuals, simplifying the app’s functionality, and encouraging users to explore further.

4. Testimonials:

Authentic user stories that amplify Calendula’s credibility and effectiveness in real-world scenarios.

5. FAQs:

Addressing common user queries, fostering transparency and trust.

6. Newsletter Subscription:

An opportunity for users to stay informed about updates, reinforcing brand engagement.

7. Contact Us:

A user-friendly interface for inquiries and support, emphasizing Calendula’s commitment to user satisfaction.

8. CTA Buttons:

Strategically placed download buttons encouraging immediate action, designed to stand out without overwhelming the page.


Through a meticulous UX design process, I transformed the concept of ‘Calendula’ into a visually appealing, user-friendly web landing page. This project not only allowed me to showcase my design skills but also reinforced my dedication to creating designs that seamlessly merge aesthetics with functionality, ultimately enriching user experiences.

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