
Our goal is to educate the community about the importance of healthy kidneys for our health and well-being. By doing so, we also influence the positive perception of the Bayer brand online.

The content we produce on Instagram does not duplicate the creations of the Facebook profile. In this way, users are motivated to follow both profiles - from each they receive a fresh dose of diverse knowledge. We made sure that the graphic creations on Instagram were different from those on Facebook. We designed a completely new Key Visual; of course, the kidneys are in the starring role, but the way they are presented differs from the original Facebook profile.

Educational projects allow us to be creative on the one hand and fulfil a social mission on the other. From September 2022, our mission to spread knowledge about:

  • kidney prevention and care

  • going for tests

  • caring for internal organs

  • health and nephrology

...has been extended to another medium. We have set up a profile on Instagram.

When setting up a new profile on Instagram, we took care of all its relevant aspects and a consistent design system.

  • We wrote a clear and transparent BIO so that the user knows what valuable material to expect.

  • Thanks to the description and the choice of profile picture, viewers are connected to the Bayer brand from start to finish.

  • Using the tool, we ensure that we provide fresh information, e.g. about published videos on YouTube or podcasts on Spotify, to our audience.

  • It's all about the details, so we designed the covers of the featured accounts in line with the brandbook.

Reels and animations

We do not stop and we are constantly following trends. We know how important video content is, so we publish Reels and animations that hold the user's attention for longer. We are proud of the series about the brave 'Kidney Heroes' and the treacherous and dangerous bacteria, 'Escherichia coli'.


The nature of our profile is educational. There are times when we have so much to share that we can't fit it all in one graphic... which is why we create carousels. Users appreciate the knowledge that is imparted and, for this content, often use the 'Save' function.


We make sure to stay in touch with our audience on an ongoing basis. We regularly add InstaStories using interactive elements of the platform, such as quizzes, polls and sliders.


Each of our posts is thoughtfully and individually prepared by a graphic designer, which is appreciated by the audience of the content. Content ranges from an overview of herbs to the history of medicine to healthy eating.

Word games

We use them regularly on the profile! On the one hand, they draw the attention of the audience from a linguistic point of view and, on the other, they allow for better attention to the content covered.

Effective advertising campaigns

If we want posts to reach interested people, there is no other way than to support them with paid campaigns. The most important issue here is optimisation.

As we run campaigns, we see the results getting better and better month by month. The number of clicks is increasing and the CPC is decreasing. We can also see a high level of engagement under the posts - audience members are willing to share their experiences in both comments and private messages.

We have chosen a specific target group, of a certain age, and we take care of regular moderation because... the traffic under the posts is significant! The fact that such content is important and needed is proven by the messages we receive from followers.

*The team responsible for the project were previously trained in Pharmacoviligance in order to adequately monitor content on health and medication-related topics.

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