Website for a Goblin NFT game on Polygon network

House of Goblins is an NFT game on the Polygon network where 12,000 unique goblins live. 

This multi-dimensional blockchain game starts with owning a Goblin who can mine Goblin Ore ($GORE). Players can earn real-life awards such as tokens and NFTs directly into their digital wallets through integrated blockchain DeFi mechanisms. 

Goblins, creatures, tools, weapons, skills, and even special emotes will be NFTs that can be used in-game, traded among players, or sold on the marketplace.

Designing the website

We designed a website for the NFT collection that depicts goblins and alike creatures, tools, weapons and special emotes from the underground.

The hand-drawn illustration style of the collection artwork inspired the main visual elements on the website. Typography was crafted to convey the collection’s underground, gritty style, and bright colors are applied to the actionable elements to grab users’ attention.

Big variations in the number of items displayed at one time on any given screen posed a challenge that we overcame with the clever use of grids.

This resulted in a one-of-a-kind user experience, that will make you feel you’ve entered the underground world of goblins as your scrolling through the pages.

About Blank

Blank is a digital agency based in Split, Croatia. We deliver top-notch web & mobile solutions. We love helping companies achieve their technology goals. The services we provide our clients include software development, UI/UX design and quality assurance. One of our main goals is to empower brands & creators to step into Web3. Reach us at and let’s work together!

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